Elena Lungeanu
Integrative Coach
Welcome to this journey where you can connect with the wisdom of the body, with the depth of your emotions, the complexity of the mind and most importantly, your source of guidance.
The process of taking master plants while having therapeutic support
is a wonderful opportunity to access your ancestral wisdom, to awaken your dormant potential and transform your life at your own pace.
Open up to receive something more than just result-oriented goals and strategies:
The realization of finding guidance from your own source of consciousness.
Owning your potential means living the life you always dreamt of but didn’t yet have the courage to take the leap that your soul is calling you to do, in order to create your true definition of success.
The program is designed to integrate different parts of yourself and blend various holistic therapies to cater your individual, unique aspirations into an oriented and driven direction.
The program includes 4 private, online sessions of Integrative Coaching per month, accompanied by a daily micro-dose, chosen for your specific intention and personal goals.
What is Integrative Coaching?A space that supports personal empowerment, by reconciliation between the opposite parts of oneself, created as a coping mechanism to survive, to adapt in the society, to do what’s right or to receive love. The healing of the whole depends on the healing of the parts. From this perspective, if one integrates the rejected aspects of oneself by accepting, recognizing and making peace with the experiences of the past, then the whole being is integrated into harmony. From this space of understanding, any desired change can happen, as it is one consciously chosen direction of the whole, towards self-love and worthiness.
How does it work?The program is made of one session online of Integrative Coaching 1-on-1, per week, accompanied by a daily dose of the ancestral remedies required for your goal. We begin with an assessment of your personal needs and desires, recognizing the place in which you find yourself and finding the remedy that will best suit your journey. The unique approach here is that we have the possibility of integrating your present moment as a perfect source of self-knowledge, as a starting point towards a path that goes within with acceptance, instead of simply trying to get from one place to another.
For whom is it for?It is addressed to all those who feel drawn to discover the wisdom of their Spirit as their true origin, through the wisdom of the ancestral and who feel pushed towards something bigger than their own understanding. Including for those who don’t trust or open up easily because of various traumatic experiences or for those engaged in various activities to see life-changing results. This program is created for those who want to discover what their soul needs, who want to live consciously, freely, with love. It is for those who are tired of being afraid or stuck in the same patterns, wanting to live fully and explore their highest potential. You might already know that awakening our consciousness is not an end-result that can be owned, but you just want to feel better and claim your truth. You want to discover your spark, feel loved and in love with life, to find that something which makes you unique and that inspires you each morning. Deep down, you already know that you have so much to offer and that you deserve the best of it. This program is for those who are willing to be brave and claim their inner wisdom, with their unique answers and solutions. When the need of receiving answers disappears, that’s when all the answers are found within. With the help of these master plants, Integrative Coaching fills the gap between the limitation and the possible.
What are the benefits of micro-dosing?a gradual transformation while maintaining the usual daily lifestyle breakthroughs and changes are coming at our own pace, working directly with the unconscious no physical discomfort, it can be done safely at home a general reduction in anxiety, improved relationships, a surge in creativity and motivation, shifts of perspective towards old mind-sets and blockages helps overcome depression and anxiety a boost of self-confidence, increased connection to the world around you and your inner guidance The unconscious doesn’t make the difference between what is real or imaginary, therefore during sleep, changes can occur on a very profound level, without any effort. Any change of patterns and old behaviors happens when we enter a state of trance, naturally and smoothly induced by these plant remedies. Any repetitive movement with little awareness, that we do automatically, can be considered a trance, such as meditations, breath work, mantras, visualization or a rhythm of music. For this reason, when taking these plants, we allow the process to happen effortlessly, while our unconscious does all the work. During the ‘treatment’, we can experience insights and dreams that express complex moments of encounter with oneself and manifestation of the mysterious contents of the visionary world, in which an individual can access these powerful meanings, to invite healing and wisdom into this reality. On a pragmatic level, the purpose is to transform one’s life, by changing the underlying patterns of the relationship that one has with himself, with the others, with the human condition and with the world we live in. It becomes possible to re-create relationships between the aspects of self, connecting the physical, emotional and pragmatic with the spiritual.
Transformation does not depend on anyone but oneself. Having the confidence, openness, the willingness to truly see oneself with all his/her parts is fundamental in the process of understanding and remembering one’s own truth.
Want to know more?
If you want to know if this the right program for you or maybe you just need a little bit of support regarding a personal struggle,I'll be happy to connect with you and find the choice which best suits your needs and aspirations.
Feel free to ask or to get in touch directly.