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A space of deep and high frequencies is created, inviting a person or a group of people to feel their own existence, to be present, in purity and tranquility, inside themselves.

Even though atonality has a tremendous therapeutic impact, it is not commonly recognized as the «right harmony», but we can see its comeback in our current times. Bringing with it an ancestral wisdom that touches our most sensitive cords, it immerses us in the possibility of opening up our heart and of awakening our consciousness.

We are part of the creation and at the same time, creators. It all began with silence, followed by the pure expression of our soul, the revelation of sound from our inner voice, resonating with the whole, making us one channel. When allowing the music to enter our body, our mind, our being, we are allowing ourselves to be present, connected with our true essence, with everything and everyone, vibrating on the same frequency of unconditional love and becoming what we long for.

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